

The dollar aircraft continued to the Interpanka Market on Monday, while the dollar was reduced in the open currency market.

External allowance pressure, the challenges in exports, its limited size and increasing imports continued to fly to the Interpank Market on Monday, but rather, the dollar in the open currency market continued to reduce the dollar continued to Rs.

The World Bank’s $ 40 billion investment plan, a partnership in Pakistan, has been affected by a dollar in most of the business times in the Interpank market, which led to the value of 15 paise 15 paise for Rs.

But as soon as the supply was improved, the demand for external credit payments and imports increased from 06 paise to 26 pennies at the end of the business, rather than the dollar value of the dollar in the open currency market was closed at Rs.

The collapse of government reserves government reserves, the global research institute, the global research institute, considers Trace Mark’s prediction in February at Rs.

However, the standard surplus foreign exchange refers to the satisfaction of the payment, but the demand for the economy increases and the pressure on the external credit payments is weakened against the dollar.


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