In which position is biomatane fashionable energy space?

11 active plants running on the operation is injected to the gasist network in 2024 by 315.7 grams. But about 90 plants.

He BYOMTHAINKnown as renewable or green gas, the second generation biofulvel (2G) Upgrading (Cleansing) of Biogas. That is, it is a renewable gas obtained from the transformation of biological waste or domestic and industrial biodeganity.

The main advantage is to be used for the same purposes with a similar composition and Calorfficive authority CO2 emissions It creates in whole life cycle and then after Carbon footprints This is neutral or up to negative (deleting more CO2 than imits). There are multiple uses, from domestic boulaters through domestic boulaters through the dynamics of transport sails. In addition, it can be used to combine the effects with green hydrogen. Is it a rounded economy?

11 active plants

In 2024, the production of Biometete in the Gasist Network was up 315.7 Gigavatios-Horra (Gigavatios-Horra (Gigwatios-Horra (Gigwatios-Horah). This is a total of 311,855 g. enagás and Releexis are running.

Awaiting a special control frame of Biometain. In the possibility of this renewal gas, the biogas roadmap was published in Special, but the Biogas Roadmap was published in Special, 45, notable progress has not been enabled. In fact, a goal in 2030 of the annual production of annual production is a goal of 2030, which is up to 20,000 per year (6% of the annual demand for natural gas).

We are far from achieving goals. According to European Biogas AssociationThe other European markets are behind 1.2 tro / year (with 1.2 twenty years) in Biometain Plants.

The need for Sweden, Jenmark, Sweden or Germany, respectively, is 0.1% for natural gas in Spain. Switzerland is another major instance to Switzerland, similar to Switzerland, similar to your wicked.

Instead, Spain projection of this energy is high (see the graph). Employer in the gas sector, SaudificeThe biomentain market in Spain is considered, but the form of increasing political entries and projects.


The possibility that does not exploit biometane production is estimated to 163 times a year. This way it is placed in the fourth largest talent in Europe.

In fact, Spain is one of the largest plants in Europe, Valdemingames Biogs Biogs Tuition Training Plant (Madrid) 4,000 normal cubic meters (NM 3 / H) in the hour of transformed biogas. Most of the biogules that occur in Spain are from the center.

Increasing interest between Spanish companies to this. This is what Move, He is expected to mark the target for 4 years a year, 2030 per year. In fact, the certification program for the production program for the production program for the production program of Biomas and Biomo Energy was certified as a biometane merchant. In particular, 25 g of this recymited gas from the city organic waste (madrid) plant has achieved the 25 g. In the completenity of this, the motion was found in Spain and the challenges of this green energy in Spain:


1. The availability of raw materials. The large amount of large amounts of organic waste (195 twh / years in 2050).

2. The gas infrastructure was developed: it can also be used by gas pipelines.

3. Restricted Will: Government, Seal and European Institutions.

4. Private sector motivation. The number of projects announced with more than 4.5 is equal to the year and more than 4.5 times.


On the contrary, Spain should overcome some barriers to make it a reality:

1. Low pregnant women: By 2030, at 2030.

2. Complex processing: The long time period of getting permits will last for 4 years.

3. Lack of encouragement: In spite of the specified help, the region claims that the giving of great assurance was established.

4. Knowledge. This is a unknown technology in Spain.

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