In the morning, the hostages in a bank progresses, deployed

Ludovic Marine / AFP

Mars Mars March 11, March 11, March 11, March 11, March 11, March 11, March 11. (Picture of Badge)

Miscellaces – In a Hostage, a Hostage, which is located in Romyoli-Sur-Sean, this morning, it’s Mars, at least 6 p. M. Report France 3 Grandsting bfmtv. The involvement of the national achievement group (giant) is deployed and acting in front of the bank.

“A man with knife will be within the banking institution”Specifies the local day East flashes.

After BfmtvKeeps at least one person and is in the threat of stabbed weapon. France 3 The three employees are chosen and indicates that a woman was released.

In parallel with these banks that take in the center of Romyy, a driving, tried to force the police barge of police. “After the shot was injured in feet”Indicates France.

More information to come …

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