Jakika.co.id, Jakkala – Minister of Minister (Menco) Cordinating (Menco) for the Economy Lilliga Hartton President Phasezh Salunian reporting a comprehensive economic cooperation with the urban economic cooperation with the EU Free Market Agreement (I-Aeeu FTA). The advance of Indonesia (CPTPP) is also reported in the aircraft progress of Indonesia.
“(Negotiating) EU CEPA is only two problems. I have reported the export dutter, and after a meeting in the licensing, central jakarta and central Jakarta we reported.
The negotiations of the free market agreement with the Ureastian Economian Union. Of course, this is hope, all 14 chapters of 15 chapters 15 are completed, “said Goldar party former Chairman of the DPP’s former Chairman.
He hoped the discussions would be completed when Kerala and Russia participated in India at 17-15 April. “We hope we can nowConclude-Car (complete) ursa economic union FTA. Uria’s economic union includes in Russia, Armenia, Blaruis, Kyrgykistan and Kyrgyzstan.
In the same occasion, Airland reveals that President Vladimir visits Putin on June 2025. “Hope the president is visited. It is expected to visit The main contractCan sign it, “the flyigan said
Infantia is trying to open the markets of Indonesia, Canada, Peru and UK. Currently 12 countries, ie Australia, Brunei, Japan, Malaysia, Malia, Mexico, Viet, Singapore, Viet, and Britain are the SPGPP. “Britain entered December (2024),” China said.
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