Didunnews.com, Cirebon -Comicted actions (51) carried out against her 16 -year -old children in the city CirebonOvarian West Java.
This is a mockery Immoral To his foster daughter.
The culprit’s mode is to provide food or drinks mixed with sleeping pills to the victim.
“The Motus Operandi of this suspect is actually providing food or drink to victims mixed with sleeping pills,” the police chief said Cirebon Quota Akbipi Echo Iskander During a journalist meeting in Mabolras Cirebon City, Tuesday (11/2/2025).
The worst action of the culprits was revealed after the victim had told his brother who was working as an Indonesian diaspora (BMI) in Taiwan.
“To report this, the biological father complained that when he got up, the victim was always felt in pain.”
“So, on one occasion, the victim said to his brother in Taiwan.
Then the suspected brother asked the victim to make a video call.
When video calls take place, the criminals can see the action Immoral When the victim is asleep.
“Later his brother told his sister to the video, and then placed near his cell phone bed. The victim was actually asleep when the video call took place.
Based on the results of the investigation, the culprits have taken action Immoral Three times.
“He has three times, the first December 2023, then in early January 2024 and last August 2024.”
Currently, the victim is in shock and receives psychological help.
“The current condition of the victim is still psychologically healed. We are still helping the victims because they are still shocked,” he said.
Criminals have been arrested and charged under Section 81 of the 76D, or the Jungdo Section 76 of the 2016 RI Law No. 82, the Government Regulations Instead of RI Act No. 1, the Second Amendment of the RI Act No. 23 2002 year.
The Criminal Prison sentence is at least 5 years and a maximum of 15 years and the RP.
Author: Eckee Yuliando
This article was broadcast on Tribuncirebon.com with the title Savage Father! Racic ‘Sleeping Tablets’ for children’s children in Cyriban, this is chronology