If you think politics is a ‘fun’ job, try to be in ring

As a gay, as a gay, as a gay, as a police officer, I experienced more stress and anxious within one month in one month than a police officer.

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I should think of my experience that works as the progressive conservative in Otario elections in a recent Otario elections.

As a gay man, I’m going to never say that I haven’t always got a reasonable role of the conservative movement, criticism, confusion and valley. But in the last election, it reached a new level.

ബന്ധുക്കൾ എന്നെ ആക്രമിച്ചു, എന്നെ “വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമില്ലാത്ത,” “വിരുദ്ധ,” “വിരുദ്ധ ശാസ്ത്രം” പരസ്യമായി. Over 20 years long-term friends sent me the messages that call me all under the sun, and I should be embarrassed about me. From my own community, I got messages from the strangers I told me, I have to be “painful death”. Perhaps the most likely, when people told me, I was “so much sensitive to politics”. Okay, perhaps. But what do Canadian politics need, a little more sensitivity.

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The constant attack on my integrity was the most hurtful. People – some of the people I have regarded friends – forged lies and wrong-exploitation, not even attitude to share their names publicly. They have been completely ignored for truth or the influence of their words. Superiorated and full of slander and overrides. Within a short month, I suffered more stress and anxiety than I did in my years as a police officer. I can tell you this: If you think politics is a “interesting” career, try in ring. No wonder that many good people are hesitant to consider it.

Let me say this: Doesn’t stand in throwing stones outside the solution. You can change and ask to change and ask, or you can make that change from within. In 2005, when the future Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in Parliament Hill Phase, it was a dark time when it was defined as a man and woman. Still, despite the party’s leadership stance voted in favor of the same sex marriage, it passed. In 2013, Commons’s house passed Transgender Rights Bill 18 toouries voting in favor.

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In 2016, a group of Rona Ambrose, a group of Ronuram Ambrose, a group of the federal conservative party was successfully applied to remove that opposition from the party platform. The progress is not handed over to us; It was fighting.

I always believe that true change is happening when we sit on the table. I spent 17 years to sit on the police Ottawa police GLBT committee of the License Committee – every one in this Great Province, and my friend in the history of our community.

I always believe that true change is happening when we sit on the table.

I am proudest conservative because I believe in legal, personal responsibility and individual liberties. I believe in raising the law in a way of ensuring background or identity, regardless of the background or identity. The values ​​that allow us to be what specializes and find it in the most important, and the values ​​of the democratic society. I consider party politics everywhere-eating bookwriter. When you go to a buffet, do you eat all they offer? No.

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Many people want to say in comfort for a reason to attack those who think differently: I want to say this: my closest political allies, and I see me as a man. We can disagree in the policy but mean we mean we should respect each other.

When I don’t succeed for the office, I did not succeed in the office of how to change things in your matters and “the” conservative and “or frightening” and ” I was willing to give up pension and high income to put a real and measureable impact in this world. I seek not praise; I try to express the importance of this, and the sacrifices I was willing to see it.

It is easier to criticize from the years; This is a perfect one.
I ran because I believed in a great future. I ran because I sincerely believed to protect the Ontario. The result is no matter, I will fight for that future.

The question is: How are you?

Alex Luis, A municipal police officer was a progressive conservative candidate in Ninayo elections in Neyoni.

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