I suggest Imrah Khan, Faisal Chaffete

Pakistan treahreek -e -sa -yssa -ysa -ysaf ledeer and Lawyer Chaudhry Hs SAID THAT I WILL FOLLOW THE LIGHT OF IMRAN KHRAN’S OR

Faisal Chaudhary, who spoke in Faisal Chaudhary, who was instinct in Faisal Chaudhary, the founder Cold and Bazari BB, always believed in him.

When the letter came out, we have to do with me as custody, we are members of the legal team, and I have in the team I need.

Faisal Chaudh Dhari said I did according to Imran Khan’s direction and I did not get a proposal from the political body.

He said that the client lawyer will instruct the lawyer, he will speak, Khan Sahib will continue to continue.

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