
During the first evening of the festival, Antonella began an arrow against Luciano Ligaboo. In the past, the co-ordinator and the singer had said that the singer had refused to participate in the 2010 Sanremo.


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Antennella cleissa He used the first evening of the Sanremo festival to remove some pebbles from the shoe. The co-operator of the singing event is a curtain protagonist, in which, with it Jerry Scotti E. Carlo CondiAriston gave the audience trofi to the Besto. Just before the dish delivery, she allowed herself to go to a joke that an episode recalled, which features the singer Luciano ligaboo.

Antonella Clarisi: “Because I know about the sauce, here’s the Troofy with Besto”

Since I know about the sauce, there are some pesto cups here“. With this humor, Antonella Glearisi gave some food to Ariston theater. Broaded on Tuesday 23 April 2024 at Pelv chapter. In fact, in 2010, Gleris had revealed the name of the singer who did not want to go to Sanremo led by him in 2010.He knows much of the sauce“:

They told me. I apologize if it is not true, but I expect his apology if it is true. That’s Ligaboo. He was a singer, and I loved so much, and when they told me this thing, I was so bad. I imagined him rock and thought he knew the sauce. I thought we were both and two sauce. I imagined it was a good male, a little tough, and I was left worse twice.

Ligabin’s response to Antonella Clari

Shortly after the broadcast on Belvin Episode, The Luciano Ligabu’s response. The singer has released A video he has never said that punishment: “Dear is not my Antonella, I never say that you know about the sauce This is really the most ridiculous thing“. Then he explained why he did not agree to attend the festival:”I told you not to have your version of Canremo, and for the same reason I said that I did not want to have many versions of Sanremo, in which they called me, ie why He makes me anxiety and I would like to make music in situations that are very relaxed“.


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