Husband and wife reduced from abdomen of acquaintance 16-year-old acquaintance: Events: From Life:

NTK: The child’s uterus was cut on Brazil and husband and wife 16 years old

Husbands and wives who could have a child could not have a child and cut the unbroken child from the womb of the womb. About this Writing Need to know (NTK).

After registering in the newborn hospital, 25-year-old Natali, the 28-year-old Christ Christ Christ Christ Christ Christ and the 28-year-old christ Christ Christ Christ care has been arrested. The employees of Blade in a woman’s behavior were suspicious. In addition, conflicts were found in her account.

The 16-year-old girl intervened the 16-year-old 16 year old and cut off the baby from the stomach. The Perera spoke to social networks with grass. When acquaintances knew that it was to be in the ninth month of the pregnancy, the woman said she was willing to give her. Sen was a husband and she wanted to come for him with him, but Perera convinced her to come alone.

Materials in the subject:

When the future mother came forthings, Perera and the Awide were intervened with her and removed the child with the help of cold weapons. The baby was alive. After vengeance, a post was published on the social network that Perera became a mother.

Husbands and wives are in jail now.

In 2022, unknown people were reported to deal with a woman in the seventh month of pregnancy. Investigation officials said a woman was a woman who is a woman pregnant.

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