How to register in Italy

After moving to Italy to Italy for a foreign citizen, you are registering one of the first things you should do. What to expect what is the ‘management’ of the country’s registry office.

If you plan to stay in Italy, you need to be registered with UFROGER RIGHTRY (Registry Office) Italian General (Municipality) living in a process you are known Registration Registration.

Registering with your local Registry This is an essential first step to access a number of public and private services in Italy.

If you have to pay authorities with the up to date address for tax purposes, especially if you are a self-employed worker Wat number (Wat number).

The Registration Registration Required to get your Italian ID card (Identification card) Residency Certificate (Respect Certificate).

The registration is important if you want to apply it to Italian citizenship to appallian citizenship of Italian citizenship ‘Fast Track’ root.

So how do you register Registry What documents do you need?

In some cities, you need to make an appointment to register – sometimes weeks before.

Some municipalities allow you to be online or email. Check your local website General (Town Hall) You need to follow for more information about procedures. View information for Registry In it Rome Or Milan (In Italian).

Read this: Revealed: How many people get the Italian Residency every year?

Each town or General There are own application forms, and the documentation applying depending on your personal situation will vary. If you visit Registry In personally, you want, you can give you hard copies of forms.

Notice that the information is not always available in English, so you need to take a friend to translate.

To give you an idea of ​​what to expect, the rapid review of the requirements is that you are a citizen of a citizen of a European Union or a citizen of a national union.


European Union Citizens

The EU Citizens to travel to the European Union, to travel to the European Union, more than three months in Italy Appeared A Respect Certificate (Residency Certificate), Registered Registry.

Generally, you need Submit the following With your application form:

      • Copy of the identification document of an equal identification document from your home country
      • Your Italian Tax Code (Tax ID Code), You get from the tax office (Entrance agency);
      • If you don’t have a valid health insurance policy Qualifying to register With Italian National Health Services (a European Health Insurance Card or Ahic, Non-Ahic);
      • Declares your address in Italy (Accountation);
      • Your marital status and dependent family members are declared;
      • Evidence of the employment of employment, study, study or training, or to support any dependents and support any dependents.

EU The option has To register their Italian Residency online via the ANPR National Registry Portal. You will first need Login From your home country to the portal that you use your national ID login details.

Alternate citizens

The European citizens requirements may differ to the more European citizens requirements depending on your personal situations. You need to contact your local Registry Or General For detailed information about the requirements of your situation.

In most cases, the application process is similar to the European Union citizens, but you need to show this depending on the reasons that provided your residency permit plus permit.


You usually need to submit the following one with your application form:

  • Passport or equivalent document from your home country;
  • The original copy of your residency permit (Residence Permit Or equal) or Received (Receipt) You apply, but it hasn’t got it yet;
  • Proof of employment if your residency permit is given for job reasons
  • The certification of enrollment or a professional training course is for permit study or training purposes;
  • Proof for you to support you and any dependents;
  • Your Italian Tax Code (Tax ID Code), You get from the tax office (Entrance agency);
  • If you don’t have a valid health insurance policy Qualifying to register With Italian National Health Service;
  • Declares your address in Italy (Accountation);
  • Your marital status and dependent family member declares.

Non-eu, which changes to Italy, which changes into Italy to claim to claim citizenship through the origin Registry Without Residence Permit (This is to give you the opportunity to start the citizenship of the generation of the generation of the origin Allow to wait for citizenship, That is, a Allow to stay while waiting for citizenship.

One or two Tax stamps can be given to applicants Of toobkonist (Text), according to General They went on and 6.50 0.52 administrative fee.

Read: 5 key digital sources to help you take on the Italian Bureacracy

If you Rent A property needs to be approved to be approved by your homeowner in Italy, your homeowner in Italy.

Be aware of some innocent landowners, realize that this file is trying to charge foreign nationals. It is not legal.


What will happen next?

The UFFICIO ANagraph Your registration has two business days to submit your registration, and you can You can apply Respect Certificate And Identification card.

However, Registry There are 45 days to check your documents and you have 45 days to actually live in the address you entered.

They will do this by sending an officer to visit you at home: some Municipalities You will give you an appointment for this visit, and others will send someone without notice. Anyway, if you’re not home, if you get home, it may cause a delay in your app.

The Registry If your application is invalid, your application is the right to reject your app or any of your information is incorrect. You can reject the rejection, though you need a legal professional’s help.

Accepted once, and registration Registry Does not expire or refund. If you move abroad, cancel it and to update if you move to another part of the country.

Note that local cases cannot be advised in individual cases.

For more information on the process and requirements in your area, visit your local Registry Office or check the official website of your town General.

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