When Italy is ready to make a major refract of the residency by residency laws, it will look at how to work, including entertaining them to vote, here is the most needed things needed to vote.
In June, a reference will be held for alleviation in Italy in the month of June to sign the Italian Government.
Citizenship campaigners call the upcoming vote “The first step to modify a rule” is fully informalistic “in relation to Italian society.
Local readers recently reached the questions about the specified change to citizenship laws. We answered the most common people below.
What is referendent?
The referendum asks in Italian to decide whether to create a fast path to Italian citizenship to the Italian citizenship.
Under the current law, citizens that have not been legally lived in the country to apply for citizenship.
Update will cut the 10-year period in half the 10-year period, which is, can be applied after a five-year legal accommodations.
It will bring Italy – often regarded as One of the hardest naturalization regimes in Europe – In accordance with the UK, France and Germany.
If the upgrade passes, will other citizenship requirements change?
No. There are other requirements currently released by Italian naturalization laws.
By taking an experiment, applicants still need to profess in B1 level to prove the proficiency in Italian. In any country, including Italy, they need to provide income proof.
When is it going on?
The reference will take place within two days – Monday Monday Monday Monday.
Sunday will open up 7 pm to 11 pm and the vote to 3 PM.
What’s going to happen to the reform?
In allergy, all-generating referers, the case has to exceed 50 per cent to exceed 50 per cent to exceed 50 per cent.
In other words, the results will be considered only if all qualified voters are recorded if the ballot is recorded. If this ‘coat’ does not fulfill, the referendum will not be able to be valid any noise.
Visiting ‘Quickor’ will win the beneficial citizenship reform – 50 per cent of the votes will pass the specified citizenship reform if 50 per cent) will pass.
Who is eligible to vote?
The referendum can vote for 18 or over 18 years old and over.
The flight includes dual citizens and Italians (registers for the most common people).
You can register the details in the air and here.
How is the voting work for foreigners for the Italians?
The most common option for the Italians living in general is the most common option, to go to Italy and vote in their municipal.General) Origin by sending a written notice to their closest consulate.
This notification is not yet set yet, but it is usually the 10th day of the 10th following the official announcement of the form of referendum.
The Italians choose to vote in Italy have no right to repay the travel costs.
For voting through the post, a cover of ballot papers and voting instructions are sent to their registered address for the polling day of the polling day in Italy 14th.
Thursday before the polling day they should return around 4 pm.
Italian citizens not resort abroad, the amount of time to go to the at least three months temporary period of work, but they must inform italian General They usually live in their decision before the polling date in Italy.
What about voters in Italy?
Voting Italy is easy for the Italians living in Italy, which lives in Italy with a valid choice card using a valid selection cardSelection card) In a given polling days.
If you lose CardYou can request a new one in the election office of your town hall.
What are the possibilities for the upgrade?
The specified citizenship reform needs to overcome two major barriers.
First, it is difficult to say whether the result of its result is hard to say whether the national votes (50% of the voters) are met.
The number of voters mentioned in Italy is significantly lower. According to The Italians posted for the last 50 years have been called to vote in a 77 canceled referencet. Only 39 is the ‘Korum’.
Read this: What are the possibilities of Italy in favor of the citizenship laws?
Secondly, the broader central and left alliance is supports that the heading of the Partvital Democracy and the headline is not clear to overcome the headquarter and Managia Meloni’s League, Antonio or Thai Italia.
An analysis of the upgrade read an analysis you can pass to the law here.
You can continue the latest information and updates in the coming citizenship referendum in our Italian Category.