House has suggested Apollo Quiboloye movement for arrest

House has suggested Apollo Quiboloye movement for arrest

Apollo Quibolooi

Manila, Philippines – a Pasig City Court accused the sex offender on Wednesday In the Apollo Quiboloye Request to be under the absence of the merry.

The Passig Regional Trailcova court Branch 159 Quiboli has established 159 Quiboli and submits medical condition.

Quiboloy is anchored to the treatment of prisoners or Nelson Mandela rules.

Read: Quiboloy declared the death penalty

However, the court movement refused because of lack of legal basis.

The House arrest of House arrested houses, which is specified that the lowest standards specifying prisoners to treat prisoners.

Read: Apollo Quiboloy denied the allegations of sexual harassment

While available in Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) clinic, the court will be prescribed from detention.


Read: Returns to QC Hospital for queiboli medical examination, okay – PNP

The Founder and Telegallist are currently abusing child Human trafficking cases Cuiseon City and Pasig City Courts respectively.

In the case of the country, the country, deception, suggestion, compulsory, conspiracy, compulsory, conspiracy and bulk Cash smuggling.

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