Hoshoroyis as Jokosuna

The new Yokuna Hoshahoroge is spring spring and spring in the spring of the monday.

Hoshaho’s only biggest champion was relieved by the 2-day tournament comsuji Abik’s 2-day tournament comsuji Abisi Abik’s 2-day tournament comsuji Abiskin.

On the second day of Spring Grand Sumo tournament on March 10, 2025, Hoshroro (L) (Qiodo)

The nepholian Great Aseshoe’s nephew rises in the event, the most likely risk of resisting a power from the beginning (0-2) from the beginning (0-2) from the beginning.

In the January, the 25-year-old Hoshororora promoted the 25-year-old Hoshororora promotion in the January New Year and Grand Sumo Tournament of the 25-year-old Hoshororera promoted.

Demogan “Kadodan” Kodoban “Kodoban” Kodoban “1-1

Kotosura cowceren-thrister Gonoca (1-1) refused the room (1-1).

Movie Anosito, No.

Was the first place.

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