History: Archaeologists found a flood port

Greece found an ancient port. Photo: Ministry of Culture in Greece

Archaeologists have found a sink of a sink of Assion. At the mining, they found stone structures and many artifacts that open the new details of the sea history.

Assign studies under the Greek city in the Argolide region, Passing Arkeeonews.

Scientists from various countries explores the underwater part of the ancient port. The main role of the place confirmed the main role of the place in the Mediterranean Maritime trade.

Salannam is part of a large-population of 2022. This is working with researchers in the Swedish Institute of the Swedish Institute of the Sugaren Maritime Group and Northern Maritime Group.

A Greek Archaeological leads the team Panagota Galikatus Swedish Scientists Anna-Louis Vaslin And Nicklas Ericsson. They focused on the main structures of the port, especially in its flood section.

In 2024 experts worked in the northwestern area of ​​artificial venue. The area retains its original structure better than others, which allowed to get more information about the port of the port.

Archurch researchers have used high resolution photography. This is possible to record a 16-square meters, and this is likely to study the architectural style of the ancient port. The findings were the construction of the building, stone fragments that indicate structure and gradually refreshing the structure over time.

Changing debris and the mining area found. They are the containers that include Amphoor-spacing and structure. Scientists believe that the operation period of the port and the incident period is to establish this artifacts.

A millualism to the history of Ass. Population has existed here since prehistoric times. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the construction times of the port. However, discoveries confirm that this place plays an important role in sea trade in different periods of the space.

Read: An antique ship found at the bottom of the sea

Previous Studies have already proven that the port has a artificial powder of large sizes. Additionally, there were symptoms of additional structures that indicate respective functional use of this port.

More mining focuses on the top layers of the platform. Archaeologists plan to delete investment with managing methods of controlled dredging methods. All discoveries will do all the findings to sue the more analytis.

The discovery of ancient business trails and port construction will be given more information about the port manufacturing. New findings can significantly change the idea of ​​the medituranian civilization in the intervention of the Mediterranean civilization with sea.

Every stage of research in the area may appear new evidence of complex ocean relationships, innovative Engineering decisions of the ancient times. In the history of Navivational and trade, it will confirm the importance of imprisonment.

Ancient Egyptian ship confirmed under the bottom of the nile river Authentication of the documents of HerodotusGained 450 BC. An Egyptian Cargo Vesal’s account and scheme, known as the “Baris”, work “History”.

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