In Mithiila, Hindus prepares food to fast the Muslims of the Islamic nation in the rare moment of the lids of the Islamic nation to welcome Holy Chasavi.
“All traditions and customs here celebrate together,” a 30-year-old Hindu businessman Raj Kumar said Afp.
You will see that Hindu youths are joined the Muslim youth with Muslim youth in Holi, “he added.
“Bark of the Muslim, calls for a prayer,” Peace to Hindus and Muslims’.
The Holi’s Hindu festival, Ramadan’s Islamic fast fell together. Events move in accordance with the moon calendar every year.
As the coming of the Solio festival, the arrival of spring and rare seeking mobs, throw the color and water to each other.
Hundreds of Hindus have made a proclamation through the streets of the Miril.
We learned to live together from childhood. This came to us through generations, and we follow it, “Local Mohan Lal Mali said after the meals arranged to break their speedy breaches.
When considered sacred in Hinduism, rotate through the Mitchen streets, rotate through the mild streets, wears traditional embroidery saris.
As forbidden its flesh in Hinduism, only Muslims will be killed in the town of the festival.
The Mithi is the city of 60,000 mainly Hindu – 240 million people, Muslims, is two per cent Hindu.
A Christian woman, Facia Hasab, 320 to 200 miles (to 200 miles) is far from.
“There are people who follow three religions: Christians, Hindus and Muslims,” they said. “We wanted to see if it’s right and there is no doubt it.”
Peaceful prayer and reflection in Islam should not be joined by Hindus who do not respect their Muslims after Ramadadan celebration.
“Today, you don’t see the colors over me, but they can be watered to the command,” Muslim Babu Ashmabhi said when the local Hindu MP Mahesh Kumar Malani was applied to the powder.

“If Muslims vote for them, Muslims vote for them, vice versa,” Said Malani and arrest minority MP in the National Assembly.
There were no armed security as Hindus and temples of temples celebrated – the other parts of Pakistan are quite different.
According to Pakistan’s human rights commission, religious freedom is growing annually in the country.
State authorities, which failed to address this crisis to the use of religious unringinal gains, to make this crisis for political gain.
But Misty-year-old Muslim worker was told Aman Ulla Afp: “There is no difference among us. We are all men and we are all equal.”
Local Police, Administration, Administration officials said the rate of crimes in the city said, “Easily allow them to make arrangements for major religious festivals.
“Their businesses, their daily lives, their interventions are turned into centuries,” said the local official Abdul Halem Jagirani.
The Tarparkar, a modern Indian state, the Rajasthan, the Border of Rajasthan, the Border of the Modern State of the Modern State, is to prevent its peaceful survival.

In addition to the infertile soil and limited water contact, it was created centuries, and India and Pakistan from wars, India and Pakistan fled many Hindus on the new border.
But many residents said Afp In recent years, the rich city was seen as a result of growing basic facilities in newcomers.
In addition, an important coal plan brought workers from other provinces to the city, with the support of a radical Islamic party.
In the Central Square in the city, a large banner hangs on Tehrik-e-Labbik Pakistan (TLP), which puts the explosive issue of the religious matters.
“People from outside the city Some doubt and fear of a local girls at a local girls ‘school,” Padma Lodha, said in a local girls’ school, Afp. “But overall, things are still better and peaceful.”