According to Japan -based Think Tank Nomura Asia, “high” obstacles are very easily affected by the US to slap the Philippines by the US.
According to Nomura, the rates from market value, unreasonable limits, and unreasonable obstacles in the market value, not only on the basis of fees imposed on the United States, but also in the past, as well as mutual fees, but also discriminatory factors, including value added tax, exchange deviations.
“In particular, there are high -free barriers in China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand,” Nomura said in a commentary on Monday.
Unlike fees, Nomura explained that “it is difficult to calculate non -fees.”
These include import policies, health and phytosanite activities, technical obstacles for trade, export subsidy, lack of intellectual property protection.
Citing the 2024 US Business Representative Report, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand have “high” obstacles.
The Integrated Trade Intelligence Portal of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which measures non -fare obstacles, showed China and India with “highest” feesless obstacles in Asia, and the two countries use the “retaliation” tool as a “retaliation” tool.
In terms of the Philippines, Japan -based Think Tank said that one of the country’s non -payment barriers ban the importation of motor vehicle imports.
Another prohibition is that the Think Tank is required to “load” to submit the use report on the products used in the manufacture of animals.
The country is required to obtain another non -payment ban, import permits and cold chain regulations in the Philippines.
In the previous comment, Nomura said that more than 90 percent of India’s exports, the Philippines, Thailand and China (imposed on the United States) have high relative fare rates, so “therefore there is a risk of high mutual fees.”
When other countries impose US exports, Nomura defined mutual fees that imposed the same fee for imports from other countries.
For example, if India charges 25 per cent on US autos, the US will impose a 25 percent fee for importing autos from India.
The Japanese -based Think Tank underlines, which Trump’s aim of implementing mutual fees is “to ensure reasonable treatment for US exports, which may indirectly relieve US trade inequalities with partnership countries.”
Of the 10 Asian countries included in the Nomura study, the Philippines ranks fourth in the risk of high mutual fees based on HS codes.
Based on the average of Nomura’s AHS weighs, mutual fees are a huge risk to Asia, at the country’s level, India is a huge risk, India leads to India’s US exports by 9.5 per cent of the US exports. .
Thailand followed (with an average fee of 6.2 percent of US exports to Thailand, 0.9 percent of exports to Thailand); Then China (7.1 per cent and 2.9 per cent), and the Philippines (3.3 percent and 1.4 per cent). .
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