Harley Davidson to domestic appliances, and what goods can affect opposition

Donald Trump “Call”, European Union replies. The European Commission launches “protected” series from the impact of the United States today Tasks Some of the products containing steel, aluminum, steel and aluminums are up to 25% of the products containing from the European Union and other commercial partners.

Trump and Downloads: “I don’t see recession”. Breakes in Super-Dacy

US dice and eu countermences

First of all, the 2018 suspension is reviewed.

On April 1, 2018, the suspension of suspension on March 31, 2018 will be automatically restored on April 2018. First, the responses to American motorcycles will apply to American motorcycles such as Harley Davidson.


Additional steps should be effective in the center, and there should be a range of industrial agricultural products. The first, steel, aluminum products, fabrics, leather goods, appliances, home tools, plastic and wood products. In agricultural products, poultry, beef, some seasoms, walnuts, milk, milk products, sugar and vegetables.

“Strong but proportional” duties

The European Commission said the “powerful but proportion” will be applied in a series of American products that start on April 1. Ursula Won Der Commission, President Donald Trump, the President said, “Round” is deeply regretted.

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