Japanese male gymnastics Gregar Anony Nakamama won a total of six gold medals in the 1972 Olympics, the Japanese Gymnastics Association said. He was 82 years old.
The file photo taken in February 2005 shows that the 1972 of the Munich expresses gold from the Olympics. (Qiodo)
The resident of Nagoya died in one of March, and his funeral was attended close relatives.
Nakamama has made his Olympic debut in 1968 Mexico City games, and there he contributed to the men’s all-in team gold.
There were parallel bars and horizontal bars and horizontal bars and gold in rings. With a silver in the floor exercise he completed six medal hole in the Games.
Four years later, in the Munich Olympics, he won another team, and won another team around and the floor exercises silver medalist and personal bronze.
In a proof of his influence in the ringing match, a swinging is known as a “nakamama ‘.”

File photo Japanese Gymnast Anony Nakamama Competes the journey of the horizontal bar in the Mexico City Olympics in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. (Qiodo)