The total number of coronavirus cases confirmed in Ukraine has reached 2,223,978.

About 420 New Kovit -19 Cases Photo from June 14 to Union

About 420 New Kovit -19 Cases Photo from June 14 to Union

Ukraine health officials said that 420 new -active Gov -19 cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours until June 14, 2021.

New cases include 32 children The official website of the Ministry of Health.

Moreover, two health workers performed a positive test for Gov -19.

ReadThe number of new Gov -19 cases in Ukraine goes below 900In the last 24 hours, in the last 24 hours, Kiev (89), Japorijia area (44), Micoleiv area (42), Kiev area (30) and Ternophil area (27) were registered.

Daily Coronavirus statistics in Ukraine on June 13

  • In hospitalization: 464;
  • Deaths: 13;
  • Redemption: 3,328;
  • Tests per day: 11,638 PCR tests, 1,589 ELISA tests and 4,629 antigen -based rapid diagnostic tests).

Coronavirus figures in Ukraine since the infection began

  • Confirmed cases: 2,223,978;
  • Deaths: 51,692;
  • Redemption: 2,130,665;
  • PCR tests: 10,516,186.

The Data-Gremia Autonomous Republic of Russia, the city of Sevastopol, the city of Donetsk and the Luhansk regions does not exist.

Vaccine in Ukraine

Officials say 22,219 people have been vaccinated in Ukraine on June 13, 2021 in the last day.

Overall, 1,479,703 people have received the first scene of the vaccine since the launch of a nationwide Govid -19 vaccine campaign in Ukraine, while 238,798 have been completely vaccinated.

These shots manage 162 mobile vaccine groups and 205 vaccine centers.

At the same time, 686,852 Ukrainians have signed the Gov -19 vaccine waiting list, according to the report.

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