Google shows you to add another new pixel 10 leak

The renderer renderer from the leak is added to the Base Model Pixel 10 as per the renderer Published Android headlines. The pictures show that the pixel is similar to 9 but shows the pictures with the broader layer of the rear layer of the pin camera.

This outlet writes this outlet that the phone will have the triple births camera, Kats Office on a email running CurmThe writer of the article is seen as a very small perisop telephoto, “said Alexander Max. Pixel has the main and ultravid cameras but not the limit of telephoto.

Otherwise, it doesn’t seem to change. Android headlines Only 0.1MM will be 0.1MM than 9.3 inch screen and matte to finance and be found in its predecessors. The coming pixel 10 Pro, ProXL phones appear to be very much outside, they are both thicker than their pixel 9 opponents Separate Lips From Android headlines.

Android Bealand Notes in two pixel 10 pro model stories hopefully the chipmaker TSMC is expected to get the Tencer G5 chip. Hope new chip will be more powerful – the previous rumor may be able to make it locally to make them locally – and Android headlines Says it will be less Likely to be overly heated Pixel 9 Series Phones.

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