Donald Duskin with Picha was announced on Thursday, it was announced Poland Development Fund has signed a note with Google on Cooperation in implementing AI solutions in Polish companies and companies. – We are creating frames that carry Google’s greater investment engagement in Poland – the leader of the American concern.

Said the Prime Minister’s office “The effect of the signed Memorandam will be billions of Google investments in Poland, which will contribute to 8 percent of the growth of GDP.”.

Read: Wave from Google leader’s announcement. “$ 5 per pole”

Polish Cloud approaches such cooperation – a organization that relates to the Poland Cloud Service Providers for business and public administration, they have a data center in our country.

According to the Poland Cloud Board, “The government’s announcements are concerned with the cooperation with global technology companies such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft, which are concerned about the most priority of foreign companies, which can have a negative impact.”

Polish companies warn “data sovereignty.”

– What more, Such measures can lead to loss of data sovereignty and weakening domestic technology companies, which can affect national security and undermine freedom and are economically dependent on our country. – Rated in a message.

Poland’s economic development has been emphasized that “it has been investing in the development of companies primarily based on the Poland Entrepreneurship, which has been going on for many years, which are being paid at home and the country’s digital sovereignty activities.” – The marginalization of the Poland Technology Department creates threats relating to data control and safety – the data of Poland citizens, organizations and organizations, the exact diligence, and the analysis of risks is increasingly processed outside the country.

Officials of Poland Cloud have noticed that the domestic companies of Polish technology companies have created their potential at home and pay taxes on Polish tax authorities. – An example of data center centers of Poland Cloud members. They are located in the country, and the Poland capital is used for their construction – it is difficult to notice that they also mean thousands of work for Poland engineers – this is described.

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Attention was paid to the investment area. – The funds that have been invested in the development of the services, technology and skills of Polish technology for many years, including companies representing Poland Cloud, are the real values ​​that bring to the state budget every year – it is said.

Better the data of the pole in the centers of the country?

According to the organization, “Allowing important data outside the country, we reveal the loss of control over them. We depend on the technologies that are limited to us at any time.” In his opinion, this attitude is short, dangerous In a geo -political view.

A positive variation from Western Europe was also called back. – In other countries, it is worth remembering it, There are regulations that support local cloud service providers and protect digital sovereignty, such as France or Germany. Polish should go the same way – Stressed.

– Therefore, to introduce the need to save important data of Polish administration and citizens in the country, we will face a large number of intense web threats and increased security incidents to ensure their safety and digital sovereignty. Due to the security, the method of the rules used in France, Germany or Australia, such a requirement is mandatory, should be discovered in documents such as WiIP or SCCO and the revised public purchase law.

A global cloud data service provider’s solutions related to the phenomenon of the public administration are on its date outside the European Union.

The current actions of the government seem to be contrary to the policies of funding from the Public Purchase Act and the KPO. Promoting only global suppliers without providing equal access to domestic companies is contrary to the policies of the fair competition. These results must be subject to detailed analysis, which takes into account the long -term effects of the Polish economy – the system is evaluated.

She turned back A request to the government to “take real steps to support the Poland Technology Department and to treat domestic companies.” – We are ready for conversation and cooperation, Collectively create solutions that support the growth of the Polish economy, ensure the competitiveness of digital sovereignty and native institutions – he promised

The Polish Cloud has been in operation since 2016. Its members are Azogo Cloud, Koik, Kambas, Saifroonet, Floberg It, Corbenk, Opol, Polkham, Sinherzio, Talex and WCSS.

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