Two Chinese Chinese influencers who live in Taiwan, a Taeepayment officials said after the agency ordered the island.
Taipei warned is about considering the Chinese infiltration of self-ruling island.
The National Immort Agency was investigating the two influxters identified as N-QI and Ciao, and the NIA officer told AFP in the state of anonymity.
Two women posted by the Chinese version of the Testoc.
In the weekend, their surname liua, the NIA ordered another Chinese influenzer of her videos.
If the general concerns of the force were due to the force, they should follow national security and social stability, the departure order within the deadline is to be followed by the time-safton.
“Doing so will result in implementation by law by law.”
The NIA officer told AFP since day from day to 10 days after receiving the letter (departure order).
Read this: Deshany alleged that EFCC is misunderstanding EFCC to provide the Daily Suppairs Orders
“The letter is already sent.” I can’t verify if it gets or not.
Liu, who claims to be from Chinese province, is more collection of 485,000 followers on Monday.
On a video, “Taiwan was always a region of China, but now is pushing the DPP war, the President Lai Ching-tehead is mentioned.
According to the Article 8 of Anti-Anti-law, Liu said no more than any other causes to use Taiwan! “
“I love the main earthquarters and Taiwan. The two sides of the Taiwan are the Chinese people. Chinese people fight Chinese people,” They said.
In the last Thursday, China called China as “foreign hostile power” specific steps to prevent infiltrate and effort to weaken identity of the people of Taiwan.
In accordance with Taiwan Act, the Taiwan law was to be lifted up in Chinese laws, the passport and the passports are to be renamed in Chinese law.