
Corruption: Call for moral revival and awareness | Representative picture

We all know that the issue of corruption has overcome many debates and rebellion over the past few years and attracted a comprehensive coverage in the mass media. Introducing various legislative schemes to root out bribery and pass the bills to verify corruption was a kind of tradition for every government. But we all know that no law can arrest corruption, just as it has been experienced so far.

Why? There are already numerous laws, but when they are implemented, there is a big question mark. This may have human beings who can be acquired by greed, just like those who are expected to monitor.

The growing hysteria for buying more wealth is born from the illusion that money can be purchased in any way – respect, love, even peace. This belief has found support for many years, and materialism has destroyed the confidence of the people in moral and spiritual values.

Today, the simple life and the highest thought have become a subject of the past, and the luxurious life and the less thought of the day. The media and the advertising industry look like this Mirage Life by attracting money -running lifestyle.

As a result, people are more dangerous to further their inner self to consume more and more from the outside, otherwise they fear that they may be retreated. There is a common thing for a corrupt government employee and a citizen – the greed are submerged, and they both avoid their conscience before they are avoiding the laws of the land.

At the same time, a person who is morally sounding does not need to fear the law and punishment to withdraw from an act that is harmful to society. Since he obeys his inner call, he quites from doing wrong. Therefore, as a civil society we must understand one thing very clearly: there is no magic to root out corruption.

However, what we need in a hurry is a unique strategy to rebuild the conscience of the country. This can only be done by providing moral values ​​in individuals through the education system and the media. Even if we weaten the moral corruption from individuals, our mass campaign against corruption will benefit only when their spiritual values ​​help emerge.




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