
TVJ, or Ditto, Vig Soto, Joey de Leon, responded to Ditto Soto Eli Funtia (Jerezerheads). Those Titus, Vig, Joey are the heroes.

“The rat? Yes, yes, we like his music. We support his music and that is their team, ”said Ditto Sen.

Can he say how TVJ is in music?

“Oh, thank you so much. Thank you very much. But they are the new heroes of the entertainment industry, especially in the music industry. They are.

Tito Sen laughed as “mutual”, and is now running as a senator under the new Philippines’ alliance.

In any case, he was also questioned about his three -year political retirement, and he returned to the host of ‘Eat Pulaga’.

So, how’s it now?

“In the last 3 years, we are certainly enjoying the treatment of ‘Eat Pulaka’. Enjoy the Cami Rune. We are very lucky to win all the cases we filed, ”says Pa Nia.

Will he not change his return to politics?

“I was always in touch with my colleagues in the Senate. As a matter of face, the former senators did not lose the story, especially I went there. ”

After all, people will never forget the name of Ditto Soto.

“I hope they have forgotten my name. I hope they have not forgotten what I have done in the Senate in the last 24 years,” said Champit Na Long Ni Dito Sen.

Bonging! (Tonton Chermino)


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