Plastic plates, hamburger boxes, and cups that need to be transported are not only an optical irritation, but they are also greatly harmful to the environment. Nevertheless, Frankfurt does not charge the packaging tax in the future, even if it is based on a new judgment Federal constitutional court Is legally possible.

“We don’t believe the steering effect of a packaging line,” says city treasurer Bastian Bergerhaf, a spokesman says (Greens) Thus justifies the negative approach of the Frankfurt magistrate. Verban and Tormstot cities, on the other hand, check how such a line has been introduced and how it can be designed.

In early August 2023, the Frankfurt city government spoke against the introduction of a packaging tax. “Nothing has changed in this position because of the court ruling,” it says. A steering effect is not expected, as consumers will not distinguish with spending and reusable packaging despite high prices.

Tubinkan as a model

According to Frankfurt, the target increase of disposable packaging will be achieved only if the products are legally recommended that similar products in the disposable packaging are more expensive than reusable packaging. “In our view, this will require a nationwide regulation,” says Bergerhaf, a spokesman.

Another reason why Frankfurt does not want to introduce the line is the high administrative effort expected to check and implement the regulation. With the help of the packaging line, it is not clear which income the city can achieve, because “this is never calculated”, which continues from the Romans. Such a calculation is also very complicated because the city cannot say how many food and drinks should go.

“We are staying in other ways. Organization. The revival of the idea of ​​city councilor and chairman Annett Rin (FDP) to introduce the line for pizza cabinets is not an issue.

In Wispatan, city councils, in July 2023, introduced a packaging line based on the city’s model Dupinkan To check. According to the city’s spokesman, they were informed of the impact of the line in Tubinkon, and the first conclusion was that the amount of waste could be reduced from the disposable packaging. But, according to another invention, the tax restaurant leads to a significant burden for tax restaurants if there is no operation.

Nationwide order was preferred

“We need to reduce the waste further,” says Vispatans In this case, mayor Christian Hinninger (greens) limits: “But for this reason, the City, along with Mains, kept the city’s re -sample city in the pilot project.

A spokesman for the city of Wispaden described the results of the decisions as “trusted”. However, since it was a certain amount of pilot project, the measurementable effects of the packaging waste were very low. However, go to regular operation, suitable for significant reduction of the amount of waste.

Due to the legal dispute in Dubinkon, the title of the packaging line in the state capital was in the ice, and now it takes the speed again. “After the verdict, now legally possible and low expansion to realize,” the Town Hall spokesman said. As a result, the first half of 2025 should be available and then political groups.

However, the spokesman pointed out that the city of Wispaton also prefers if there is a nationwide regulation: “It seems a little wise if each municipality operates different regulations and survey instructions.”

“Brupation Banning” and “Blank Checks” do not

It is uncertain what costs and income can be expected in terms of the line. “We cannot present a serious estimate because Dubinkan has not yet issued any decision for 2024,” the spokesman continues. A forecast is possible only if Dubinkan numbers are available. This is expected to be the same in this quarter.

The introduction of the line has been checked in the Dormstate. Treasurer Andre Sheleberg (CDU) says, “There is no more firm timetable for the introduction of a specific tax height in the packaging tax and Darmstat,” says the city that the city is not trying to introduce this year.

The verdict of the federal constitution should not be understood as “empty checks” to the municipalities, and the tax can be introduced in any amount. There were policies for all kinds of taxes, such as “strangers”.

According to Shellaberg, the Darmstat must be based on the legally proven Tubinkan tax rates. However, the amount of potential income cannot be assessed.

To Dormstots Environmental Director Michael Golmer (greens) is a double meaning of the packaging line of practical environmental protection. “A Riyas is promoted in squares and parks and the cleanliness of the public space is improved,” he says. According to Shellaberg, the trend “is clear for the introduction”, but he too wants a nationwide system, which does not come to the sight.

With their purposes, the Wispatan and the Darmstat are not alone. According to German environmental aid, 120 cities are currently eager to introduce tax on disposable packaging. Pouring is already more. There, the administration’s magistrate has already issued an order to create a concept to introduce the tax.

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