Former Saabbj Employees and Community Months asked the colorful community months after a flizzier was interrupted and racially defamatory remarks.
Mkhiz will apologize at a time Newsroom Africa Interviewing the interview with the silence she broke in December.
“I want to apologize for the colored community. I don’t believe that I was saying. I have sincerely forgiving … I have colored friends and I’m not racist.”
Makeshis wrote comments prompted many organizations to talk against her activities South African Human Rights Commission The investigation into her comments and gives more complaints against DA.
“You’re Mitchells Plain, this gold rings are a color from the color.
The court also convinced the Summen Summary of the Situance of how the situation was handled.
“We bore them demand letters. They stoned me and put me out of the cable? How did I have been behind the window until I see the clouds?
At that time, on the various videos shared in social media, it was used in the Social Media, which was used in the sabiling, and asked the airline employees if she knew who her father is who she is who her father is who she is who her father is, and the airline employees were asked.
Her late Father is the chief minister of unfamiliar stronger.
Sabsi and sabsis away from her.
They revealed that Sabsi was expelled and taken her without the side of the story and they will be taken to the employment court.
“They shot me without investigation and call me something to store my case. Their actions are being injustice. They are called the situation.”