
A.V. The railway cycle in the Bologna-Florence line is gradually returning to normal, and this morning for a train for technical inconvenience to a train This has led to the reabsoring service with the length of travel deviations and travel hours. You read it in a note from FS. “Tickets were prepared for passengers of the train involving the integrated refunds of the ticket – Continuing the newsletter -.It is necessary to carry the transford on a ‘hot balance’, That is, a train ready to use quickly if necessary. During the performance of the function, travelers were timely notified of the performance of the operations and helped in accordance with the protocol provided in these cases “.

Overall there was 15 fresucherosa, and due to the recession, they concentrated at least one and a half hours – which is gradually returning – AV. Delays for high -speed transport of other ways. Another A.V. Trains, some are unrelated to the usual row, traveling an hour late. The passengers of the train, Fredsiaarosa FR9311 Torino Porta Nuvao (8.40) – Naples Central (15.03), 180 minutes late, were transferred to another canal and travel at this time. The final destination, Naples, their tickets will not be repaid fully

Barry-Bescara railway line has declined from 12.00 to a level in Barry Nord for technical inconvenience A technical difficulty in Barry Torre A Mart “High speed, intercity and regional trains can be registered for up to 40 minutes. The only train has registered more travel time over 60 minutes. Trains may be subjected to route and cancellation limits

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