
An increase in a lifetime Ha Slow In Europa Begins Tal 2011Especially Misunderstanding Of course COVID-19: The most intelligent braking happened in the UK, butItaliaOnce a long life, a leader, one of the most important drops, one, was recorded in the years of infection Average year reduction 0.36 years. They do not blame only a few countries Northern EuropePlace where they were Great The Investments in public hygiene E. Barrier. The study indicates that Released In the magazine in Lancet Public Health by an international group led by Eastern Anglia University in the United Kingdom.

Analyzed data examined The universal load of the disease 2021. 12,000 cooperatives In More than 160 countries and territories. Compared to researchers in particular Changes Paddy ‘LifetimeIn Causes of death And AI in the expression of the population Risk factors Throughout Europe Between 1990 and 2011il 2011 and 2019 And 2021.

“In the twentieth century, the improvement in public hygiene and medicine has improved the life expectancy in Europe every year, but It’s no longer like that“, Nick Steel at the University of Eastern Angia looks at the first writer of the study.”Tal 1990 Al 2011Reducing the deaths of cardiovascular diseases and tumors has led to a significant increase in lifetime, but for the last decades standard improvements are finally Was slow in 2011Con International differences marked. I have found Deaths for cardiovascular diseases Was Main machine Reducing life expectancy between 2011 and 2019. Govit international Was responsible for that Diminishing the lifespan Notice Between 2019 and 2021. After 2011 – continues the expert – such major risks ObesityOvarian Hypertension E. High cholesterol I Increased Or to have Stopped upgrading In almost all countries. Not enough to compensate for damage caused by better cholesterol and blood pressure treatmentsObesity And from Bad foods“.

States Decrease in a long life I GreaseOvarian UKOvarian ScotlandOvarian ItaliaOvarian Northern IrelandOvarian PathugalOvarian CallsOvarian FranceOvarian AustriaOvarian NetlandOvarian SpainOvarian GermaniaOvarian Luxemburg E. Finlandia. Regarding Low in ItalyIn particular, the authors of the study believe it can be ‘Parallel One Shopping reduction In Public hygiene and prevention measures‘.

Edge improvements Instead they were inside them IrelandOvarian NorwayOvarian IcelandOvarian Sweden E. DenmarkTo the composition of factors probably Public health policies More sharp e High investments Paddy ‘Health care.

“Compare countries – continues to steel – The Nationalism Who holds Advanced health From Population are related to A. The best setback for trauma The future. Countries such as Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark and Belgium have been maintaining a better life expectancy since 2011, and have been identified by government policies to reduce the damage received from major risks of heart disease “.

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