Engine Philippines arrested over the drug war by the engine Philippines

Ortered October 28, 2024 Rodrigo Pathamber. (Star / Jessie Bustos)

The relationship will be held in the court to be arrested in court to fight international criminal court to fight in his war.

Duty is returning to the Philippines from Hong Kong. He said in Hong Kong, who was arrested if ICC issued a warrant.

Read: The duper says the arrest will be accepted by ICC warrant

However, Pedinant Mardinand Mardinand Mardinand Mardinand Mardinant Maredinand Mardinant Maredinand Mardinant Maredinand Mardinant Mardinant Maredinand Mardinant Mardinant Maredinand Mardinant Mardinant Mardinant Mardinant Mardinant Mardinant Maredinant Maredinand Mardinant Maredinand Monday said.

On Tuesday, GMA’s x from X from x from X-National Police and an Interpol representative in the International Airport of Manila International Airport.

When Markottics came to power in 2016, a signature policy was a signature policy of dupter of the drugs.

According to allegations that the authorities refused to kill drugs inferior, the Philippines police have been cautious at their instruction.

ICC said the investigation against mankind will continue.

When the Philippines withdrawn from ICC, the government of the new leader suggests that the government was transferred under Markos.

If the arrest from the Interpol is asked, our legal functions are ready to follow what law is being implemented, “President community Clare Castro told reporters.

Ke Johnson writes; John Mayar’s Editing

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