Don’t take it long. Fabgrress football do you like? There is the D Serb. Double between Milan and Lazyo

The daily basis of the square is the daily basis: One day a candidate turned up to a candidate limit, the next day he goes down. Compared to Key, the acceleration of the Parani candidacy, should have been influenced by some reservoirs with former Lazyo DS and Roman reprovers. “The text I have never heard of” Paradic activities splished. This is a counter-indica of the footback for a decision, it is difficult to keep it under track. I have no preferences to report, because I was worried, because of the responsibilities of the elections. I stop judging the job done and not another. If it is possible to work with an activity control, it is only in the theme. It is clear that it should be made of future training from choosing DS. I would like here to describe a theory that is not seen.

I realized that for football shown in San Siro, the new generation of “games” is a exponent of the new generation of the games of the new generation, the roses of his Technical connection, I am like the current existing in Milan. Sparer has offered the owners of the coam’s owners to the long-term contract so it is a beautiful but wonderful. See the defense stage of the defense (see the first goalkeeper and Raena, the Central Defense Gold Lhanga and Dosina. Fabricus’s Italian version of the Fabricus is called a growing achievement r servant.

Two weights and two dimensions- The scene of Pioli’s Milan’s Milan, the scene recorded in the Specia, is still resolved to the pioli’s Milani, the scene of the spia. I remember the office of the federal prosecutor is the opening of an inquiry. If I don’t see badly, the same scene trimmed the same scene in Bologna in Bologna, Bologna in Bologna. I heard the coach Lazio curve, “everything will be my responsibility to be my responsibility.” I ask the prosecutor: What happened to the bologna that is compared to Special a few years ago? I know what incabonism from the tribunes with Rosneri Children: This Milan is not considered politically. Do I have impressed as the exact answer!

Between Naples and Derby It is interesting to meet the standards that apply to the serve or gapilities next weekend in Naples and the next weekend. Because in various national teams, the games of the games played in various national teams need to be wise in various national teams, especially after the challenges. I think the role of Milan in the stop (Tomori) is the wise move between them.

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