Donald Trump, Ukraine – President of Ukraine does not understand the behavior of the President – Union

Until now, the attitude of the US president for a country was never so different from the public opinion.

Most American voters pity Ukraine, mostly do not focus on Russia. Meanwhile, the voters believe that the President Trump is sympathy with Russia or more or less neutral. He writes about it NBC News With reference to a new survey.

Therefore, 61% of the survey participated in the survey, when the Ukraine asks the two sides of the two sides. The only 2% is more beautiful to them. The rest says they don’t have attachment to a parties.

Meanwhile, 49% of Americans believe Donald Trump, the sympathy with Russia. Believing another 40%, the two parties are neutral. Only 8% of Americans believe Trump is in favor of Ukraine.

The Sociologist Jeff Gorvit has agreed that the sympathy of the American people is to distract the American people in connection with this country.

Okay, to some extent, this divisive is explained by the party polarization of the American community. Therefore, 88% of the Democratic Party of Ukraine is supported. But the majority of Republicans do not support any side of the Republicans.

Trump Policy Against Ukraine

United When he wrote, Trump repeatedly repeated that she was a big deal with the Russian dictator. Putin believe.

The original verification trend of this is the trend of the Russian campaigning, as it is true. Last day, Kurshinna was once again repeated the Putin’s lie with a happy Ukrainian soldier.

Michael Clarke believe that the British military expert would give the winner of the war against Ukraine: Avoiding the regions that were copied.

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