The dollar exchange rate is 41.67 UAHs in card dwellings in private LATBON, the risom is 45.46 UAH.
During Tuesday, March 11 March Tuesday, March 11, 15 copaces rose by 41.55 HRIVnea. Euro in the bank, 15 copacers increased by 45.15 hryvns.
You can sell 40.95 Hyvnias in the bank and the Euro can sell 44.15 HRIVnania of the foreign currency.
The dollar exchange rate is not changed to 41.67 HRIVNIAS on the card settlements in the priwatbank. When paying through the card today, it won March 11, 41 and 41 coopucks for 45.46 Hardrnias.
Currency exchange rate in Ukraine – the latest news
March 16th National Bank of Ukraine 41.29 UAH / Dollars for dollars of Ukraine, ie, 8pakes NBU website, according to the eura exchange rate, the Euro exchange rate lost to 44.77 Hravniaz.
In the exchange of Ukraine, the average dollar rate is 41.40 UAH / DOS, you can sell the $ 41.28 HRIVNIAS. Cash Euro EUR 45.02 is 45.02 UAHS, sales rate is 44.78 UAH / REOS.
Analyst Ali-Dollars protect the current euro / dollar results in foreign markets, which protects the current euro / dollar in foreign markets.