Do you think Harry Potter and Spiderman are sharing your political comments? Not only you

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The University of Southampton University (United Kingdom) shows that our favorite fiction leaders share our political comments.

Psychology – Harry Potter’s brother D Torie D Torie’s political opinions did you ever think? PoweredGangard or Spiderman? If yes, these are a great mind with a great mind, if you share your political comments, and if they have the right to vote.

According to a new study published in the journal Political Science Research & MethodThis is completely normal. The report shows that our choice of preferences will be shared by researchers from the SATapatton of the United Kingdom, while we don’t like to vote to our convictions. Whatever our political orientation. “Know that someone is good or bad for our pregnancy about this person, Explaining in an article published Conversation Stuart Ji, the main author of the study in quantitative political science, is. Trull-dugearte. In other words, those who think favorers give their own political identity, and they do not value. »»

Harry Potter Republic or Democrat?

The work was focused on two samples: 1,594 British and 1,594, the British and 1,573 Americans, Sindrayella, Luke Skywalker, Captain America, Luky, Luky, Luke Scydalkar, Captain America, Bright “Skyman, such as” the wicked ” The lion kingJoffrey baratheon de PoweredSareman Lord Rings Or dark Star Wars.

Participants need to be guessed by the political orientation of each of the characters. They believed that they believed the heroes voted in 20% cases. The bad guys voted for the opposite party. “The American Demokrats thought Hirry Potter and his friends were voted by Romanon and Hermione democratic in democratic.Stuart J. Tangarte summarizes.

A cognitive biases that strengthen divisions

British partners returned to another experience, it read a story in a local political counselor. In the first version of the text, the example of his example of a charity association was referred to the selected release of the elected light. The second version, on the other hand, stolen from the association. If they thought they thought who the advice was. Safely, one in six “Remember” The party’s writing represented by the donor who represents a giver of the provider and a strong trend to consider his opponent as his opponent.

For the main learning of the study, these results “Striking” Because they demonstrate it What do voters need what is required in terms of their own biased identity “. These bias is not trivial because it is “My election is reasonable”. “Political motivation predictions – the better think that ours is ours and worse – not just our understanding of others. They strengthen and unifying biased biasEstimates Stuart J. Trangull-dugearte.

When our societies are polarized, “the Gentiles are on our side and” bad guys “, but the researcher warns. “This political picirelization is diverse, as the cycle divisions are dolid, more difficult for the general ground, He is panic. If we continue to influence our understanding of others but our understanding of others, we help those who do not share our political comments. »»

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