A Criminal Fire destroyed a crush for the TL’s Troice-Cokaus district. Inquiries allowed investigations to ask a 14-the-emphasis question. This is the fire and the other fire. The other two suspects also hear in the custody.
Damage tens of thousands of euros. Communities, the captain town hall, who welcomed twenty-registered children to continue to allow the crench to continue.
A fire installed in the heart of the Ice’s District in suspicious TI luuse, a fire, a fire. This fire brooded on Tuesday morning of February 25. By the fire that identifies “criminal” through special services, the lower level of this building was very damaged.
The first inquiries have identified the first start of fire for the first time, not very effective. Then the second is a flame that joins the premises. The tenants placed in the over the cricket need to be exempted in an emergency, while the firefighter regulates the claim.
A free fire?
Who can do this rule that is not with theft? In the north of Loss, the district of Urban cameras worked on the Directorate of Territorial crimes in the state of the city cameras. Micro job that made a person identifying a person.
Since this minor, this minor, is almost a routine at the TLOz police stations. This weekend is done after traffic offenses, of a scooter of a scooter of a scooter of a scooter of him, it is definitely …
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The police of the police of property damage is likely to connect to other criminal fire. Particularly stolen scooter or waste stolen in front of a neighboring Clay. This time, this time, only on the face.
His arrest on Tuesday morning has made other progress. The other two persons, 17 years – another Boy, another 19 people were arrested and placed in police custody. They would have participated in some criminal offspring, including the crushes. But it will be the younger, it is placed in a house with restless running. It will be behind the lamps.
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His motivation remains vaguely. There will be no link with crookes. And not more with the game. For the scooter, the police imagines him to steal him. It is left to express it.
This young adversaries, will be produced in this Thursday minors to be prosecuted on Thursday minors. There is no doubt about his two occasions. What to follow? The younger of the defendant is simple. In his age, the Penal Code is not more compelled.