Diploma’s different documents can be submitted in position in a public tender

The majority of the Federal District and Federal District and the Federger of the federal district and the locals decided to decide to complete the special council, higher education and classification answer.

This is alleged for a competition for competition and assistance for applicants and the help of education, because it is not a help of education in the education institution.

The candidate emphasizes the Pedagogogie Course by the statement issued by the Educational Institute and the curriculum presentation.

After the analysis of the case, it depends on a general competition in a general contest of the federal Constitution, which depends on the service process, and it is acceptable, and it cannot be stopped. Penalty of inadequate, irrational or unreasonable and abuse.

By demonstrating the station that expresses the repeated stations of the proportion of diploma, it shows proportional to the station that it is corrected, it shows proportional to the corrective station, it is defined by the station that it is corrected, is with the deadly consequence of correction. In most cases, diploma have emidden to bureaucratic elements.

Therefore, the Magistrate’s Copyright request has been approved to monitor the exclusive demand for public office and monitor the order of classification and monitor the order of classification and monitor the order of classification.

* TJDT information

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