The Senator, the Republic of Morena, the Senator and Political Codeination Board (Jukhoopo), president of Claudio Shinbam Pardro, asked “Snub” The proposal of social networks before Socalo festival in Mexico City.
While president Claudia Shiom In Socalo, he walked into his speech, and in this Sunday, he called his speech and called on Socalo, which was called the relevant figures of the fourth conversion to take a photo.
In the event of president Claudia Shiom It went unnoticed Louisa Maria MayorMorena’s national leader, and Andrés manut lópez beltronOrganization Secretary of the Party taken by a photo.
In addition, the coordinator of the Senate was in the seas, Adam Agato Lupus; Ricardo MornelMorrinista Coordinator in Deputs; Manual VelascoCoordinator of the Green Party in the upper house; And Victoria Rodriguez CujaMexico bank Governor.
Jecopo's president has been written.
According to Adam Ajo, "In the emotion of this moment" They didn't hear what they are "You (Claudia Shiachal) is already in birth country."
On the other hand, Senator Manual Velasco Adam Augusto Lopez met with the Deputy Ricardo Monurial.
"We are apologies for our President," said Velasko.
Because it explained "The feeling of the United incident in Socalo" Don't care when the Federal President came and passed with them.
Finally, Ricardo Mornel, Federal deputy and ESZhow's professage published the president. However, he cleared the publication quickly.
After the incident, Lujan Mayor The opposition alleges that districts
Louisa Maria Mayor LujanMorena's national leader was justified and tried to distract the incident.
"As they did in other opportunities, it is an intention of distracting the protocol, which cannot happen.
In addition, he stressed that the church was united around the President, more than 350 people in the Sopalo plate showed that he had attended his great power and leadership.