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According to the LG office, the purity of Yamuna will be in four stages. In the first stage, the garbage and the silt will be removed from the river. - Dainic Bhaskar

According to the LG office, the purity of Yamuna will be in four stages. In the first stage, the garbage and the silt will be removed from the river.

The Yamuna cleaning work in Delhi began on Monday. This was a major issue for the BJP in the recent election. LG V.K. After the meeting with the Saxena Chief Secretary, he provided instructions for cleaning.

According to the LG office, the purity of Yamuna will be in four stages. In the first stage, the garbage and the silt will be removed from the river. In addition, there will be cleanliness of the Najapgarh drain, auxiliary drain and other large drains. In addition, sewage treatment centers (STP) will be monitored.

New treatment plants will be set up to meet the sewage treatment of 400 mg (day on million gallons). The Jal Board, the Municipal Corporation, the Department of Environment and the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will work together to achieve the target.

Severe instructions for industrial units do not release dirty water The Delhi Pollution Control Committee (TBCC) has been strictly instructed not to release the industrial units of the city in dirty water drains. The cleanliness campaign should be monitored. In this case, BJP leader Harsh Malhotra said the purity would be completed at the planned time. Our goal is to clean Yamuna and remove the garbage mountains.

Yamuna cleaning work started in 2023 Previously, the cleaning of Yamuna began in January 2023. For this purpose, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) formed a committee headed by LG. But the Aam Aadmi Party went to the Supreme Court with the NGT decision. After this cleaning is stopped.

The Aam Aadmi Party has said that the LG cannot be empowered outside its region. The order also violates the Supreme Court’s constitutional bench, except for the government’s constitutional plan in Delhi.

The Delhi government appealed to the ban on this decision of the NGT. In this regard, the court said that the LG would stay upside down by the NGT. We can’t stop this full order.

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Read this message relating to the Yamuna River case …

The Election Commission said- Kejriwal should be promoted to poison in Yamuna, Kejriwal said- Election Commissioner is doing politics

During the Delhi Assembly elections, there was a rhetoric between Arvind Kejriwal and the Election Commission on Yamuna water. The Election Commission wrote a letter to Kejriwal and sought evidence of what poison in Yamuna. Read the whole messages …

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