
Since Saturday midnight, a ceasefire violation has been recorded in the JFO zone.

June 11 / a kia in the midst of nine quarrel violations in Danbas in Reuters

June 11 / a kia in the midst of nine quarrel violations in Danbas in Reuters

Ukraine’s Armed Forces Ordinance was killed amid nine violations of Russia -controlled armed groups in Warzon in Tanbas Warzon on Friday, June 11 (KIA).

“On the last day, nine ceasefire violations were recorded in the Joint Force Function (JFO) Zone,” the Ukrainian JFO Command’s press center said on a Facebook Update Kiev time on June 12, 2021.

In particular, enemy Ashov shot the automated, handmade tank and barrel of handbags and heavy machine guns near Vodian village in the Sea of ​​the Sea.

“A Ukrainian soldier received a shooting injury among the enemy shelting.

ReadEnemies intensified and soldier wounded in Danbas – JFO headquartersIn addition, enemy troops used 82mm morders near Vodian village outside the village of Novehorotsk and Donetsk.

Moreover, the invaders fired anti -tank missile missiles near the village of Opitne, a man -made anti -tank guns and heavy machine guns near the village of Bidton, while the 82mm Mortar and the anti -starohnadwika village were used.

Since Saturday midnight, a ceasefire violation has been recorded in the JFO zone. In particular, the enemy used the automated, handmade tank resistance and barrel of handbags and Azov’s sea litter near Vodiyan.

Violations were reported to OSCE representatives by the Control and Coordination Center (JCCC) of the ceasefire in Danbas.

The Ukrainian military says the situation is under their full control.

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