Comment | Can Hong Kong imitating Hong Ou Tech Titans’ success?
The Economic challenges The deficit and the budget are facing buttaking, created significant discussion and anxiety in the city. However, between these discussions, it seems to be ignored by a crucial side – the chances of Hong Kong to explore new ways to the growth.

Although Hong Kong is currently a strong presence in innovative scientific and technology, it should require similar questions. This is why Hangzha OU is not able to grow upstreams and lessons about how vibrant Tech entrepreneurs can grow.

Hong Kong first should be placed on himself to take place in the global technology in the global technology High quality ability Hub and the focus center focused. This transformation requires the development of an ecosystem, which supports young entrepreneurs and encourage the growth of successful start.
To address the development of the development, the zone development model from the Northern main land to address the development. Enlargement Wandon parcel For developers Influences the private market The site will increase efficiency and infrastructure for the formation of the site and infrastructure.

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