City Hall Hall Has Employer Specifies, Council Union Bid

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The Union of Toronto City Council officers is held.

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Amapsey represents the workforce in the public service and many workplace that connects to the government of Ontario

Toronto recognizes us as staff in their own documents “But” we claim that we are working on the worker office or other departure. Amap Wa statement said.

In the last week, Amapne Staff tried to work with the employer, and inform their challenge and avoid unnecessary delays. Unfortunately, the employer chose to proceed with their challenge. “

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Simple majority – 50% Plus One Vote – Need to form the union. “Despite the delay in the depth of deep disappointing delay, the Amapne statement is the only” confident “in the result of that vote.

“We want all of you to encourage you to continue with strong and unity,” We want to encourage you to the exciting future in front of us, “Iapap said.

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The City Hall Statis confirmed in a short statement Toronto sun.

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The Toronto can confirm that procedures have begun accused of caring and speedy reaction procedures that are being delayed by the city. The city cannot comment on the Ontario Labor Relations Board, “says the statement.

An Amapne spokesman did not respond SunRequests for comments are requested on Friday.

Voting was open on Thursday evening at 24 hours. Amapzi said the council staff workers were better than 60% of the Council staff workers when they submitted to be certification last week.

Said a pro-union officer Sun The salary is main issues last week Salary starting more than $ 30,000 Many council workers are less than $ 50,000.

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The office of each council is called “forgotten workers”, “Council of workers” and work situations and quality of managements.

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Councilor and Mayor Jon Lvidge requested the Citimlary Crowdjart Sun Reported.

The Amap Cause Statement says that last week and the level of changes in affairs, such as salary and gains.

Iapap told you Sun The unit of the imaginary barriers, including management officials in the Mayor’s office, including non-management officials. The chiefs of the counselors will be eliminated by officials, staffer said Sun.

Although the job of political assistants, New York City’s council is not predicted because the Council of New York City was unityized. Those workers The Legislative Employees Association began to be organized in 2016.

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