Russia Bank warned of the possibility of raising a major rate in March

At the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank on March 21, the new increase will be considered at the key rate. This is mentioned Release According to the results of the current meeting, it was preserved at 21 percent per year.

The possibility of further tightening is indicated by the forecast of the path of the main proportion of the average rate by 2025. Taking into account the fact that its upper limit is 22 percent, and the rate is 21 percent for almost three months, the parameter must be raised by more than 22 percent to achieve a short time limit.

The lower limit refers to 19 percent, however, taking into account the nature of the debate on March 21 can only be felt in a significant reduction in proportion.

The continuation of the suspension, at the Central Bank, stated in December Explained Further increase in the slope of the population to save the high cooling and saving of credit operations. At the same time, it is very soon to talk about the reduction of the rate due to the fact that inflation and inflation expectations are even higher, and that the economy is high, and the demand is significantly exceeding distribution.

The Central Bank pointed out that another factor taken into account at a key rate is implementing the announced parameters of the budget policy. We are talking about the structure of the forecast of the budget cost area, which acts as a random factor with a significant increase.

Previously, the Ministry of Finance Have been notified About the achievement of the budget deficit at the beginning of the year. In January, its position was more than one and a half times the year of the year. Nevertheless, the department promises that at the end of the quarter, the costs will come to normal.

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