I thank Meloni government and minister Muzamsy Because it is certainly a historical action. We were always waiting for him, the damage was worn or not to whom he was waiting for this unfortunately. “The FDI Senator said Guido CastelliThe 2016 earthquake, when the 2016 earthquake, while the vote was announced in the 2016 earthquake, which was voted for the approval of the Earthitiva Bill. “This DDL – Informing the Castelli – the rationality of the rules and ordinances of laws and ordinances of laws and ordinances of laws and ordines.
We have chosen to control the thing through a bill, and entering 152 improvement suggestions to enter the Parliamentary manufacturing sector. This is an action activated immediately in the event of an emergency. The recent challenges associated with climate change have been historical – because he continues – because it is compared to the requirement of the temporary acceleration. The uniformity cannot have a or sirie’s earthquake, so it can be clearly understanding their assurance without vaginal or confusion. It is certain that it will improve everything that will never serve the law and the faith of our duty and trust in our duty will improve.
A beautiful and weak place is a historical and cultural pitrogen in Italy in the world. But we know – Castelli – The Taloni government and the entire parliament have promised his duty. Over the provision of the Green Light condition, there are many addresses that have borrowed from the experience of the Green Light of Palasoda. This is an instance of multilinal rule in these addresses In the ape Central: An effective management tool shared with areas and presidents of the regions, chiefs. As already occurred in the 2016 Sistariacraft, the framework of the social and economic “maintenance” of general remoding of general reconstructions. Abuse powers assigned to an abuse powers of unloadener commissioned to accelerate or unlock the required intervention; Support for local authorities (2016 Sistributory Structure structure); Environmental Protection (Rubel Management) Steps and Conditions for Control, Transparency and Workers protection.