The verdict in this case was passed on Wednesday. The court ruled within 14 days of its verification. Independent Polish Publisher, “Casseta Polka” Publisher and its Editor -in -SIF Tomas sagivichThey should apologize against Donald Tus. They should also appear on the newspaper website.
Judge Rafa Wagner pointed it in justification There is no doubt in court that the plaintiff, who presented the poles on the cover of the weekly magazine, like Adolf Hitler, was involved in the occupation of the occupants who tried to destroy the poles and destroy Poland. “As a result, his personal rights have been violated” – The mentioned Justice Wagner.
He pointed out that the collection of symbols in Poland in the 21st century used on the cover of the weekly magazine was clearly related to Hitler and Nazi aggressor.
He also noted that the role of the court is not to say one or the other side of the political controversy, but in special circumstances to determine the political discourse.
Judge: Attempt to exclude a politician from community
“The essence of this controversy is the limits of freedom of expression, the limits of journalists who propose the opinions and borders of the freedom of the journalists. So it is necessary to determine the criteria of these borders,” Judge Wagner said.
He emphasized that the defendant is an example of freedom of speech in American sense. “In the United States, the policy is simple: respect for a man’s Ka IT Rava should lead to the priority of the possibility of the possibility of independently expressing his ideas and ideas,” the judge said.
He said that the European organization of values and the legal system are very complex. “The defendants have expelled a sentence from the environment and imposed the features of the greatest criminal in the Polish nation on the politician so that he tried to exclude him from society. – The judge is justified.
He pointed out that the unlimited right to the newspapers for contempt and conscious insults is a “frozen effect”, which must be calculated by the fact that the person who presents the opinion that he is hurt and the media is in the media.
“Such an effect raises bad emotions, (…) the emotions that destroy the political discourse. This will lead to what it can lead to the murder of GDAńsk’s president in 2019,” – Justice Wagner said.
There will be an appeal against the judgment
After the verdict has been announced The defendant’s lawyer Savomir Saviki announced the appeal. “We do not agree with such a court of court. In our opinion, this was a caricature, which had its support in the article” – Saviki said. He said he could not find any basis for criticism from the court.
In turn, the lawyer representing the plaintiff stressed that the court described where the borders of the public debate were lying and that the shame and hatred of the debate ends clearly.
Test Donald Tusk It began at the end of November last year. Prime Minister Tomas Sakivich and his publisher requested Each of the 100,000 BLN compensation and the release of apologies on traditional and social media.
This cover was released on July 2022 at that time Domet He declared two cases -against the editor of Kasetta Polka -in -iF and card. Even the then reporter of the Polish TV in Berlin Series Cams also wrote on Twitter that the cover was simply stupid.
Read more: Sakivich against Tusk in court. Report of the Republic
– Reaching “Argument Advertisement Hilderam” is a manifestation of intelligent helplessness. Your cover of “Casseta Polka” is not weak for the Domas Sakivichs. She was simply stupid – he said.
However, the media’s media does not want to disconnect themselves from the cover and apologize for comparison. Showed the Republican card to most of the test transfer. You can read in station beams “Tusk wants Judicial Media Censorship – a test with Cassetta Polka”. Sakivich: This process mocks the state of Tusk “,” Tusk wants to destroy free media “,” Tusk wants to limit the freedom of speech and censor the media. “
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