Case to extend Governor General in Canada

All British PMS and a week. Should not our Prime Minister be visited regularly with the King’s Representative?

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The innovation and adaptation of institutions are tested. So this week this week is a new Prime Minister, because it was never officeed. First, the new Prime Minister is not an MP, the axillary, is not a problem, and it is no problem. This week will have additional work in the rido hall, but not to do what to do.

In these days, these days think these days are thinking about the Canadian Constitutional tradition in the crown-in-parliament, and strengthen our constitutional institutions, including the representative of King Charles III.

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In these days, the Governor General will lead to the past in front of the former Indian troudo resigns and shaping the government to form the government in the king’s name. To do so, she calls Caranyy, and soon sworn him and the Cabinet and the private council and the Ministry of Ministry. The advice on a new session of a new session, which will be able to continue with the new session of parliament, as scheduleded, as scheduled.

Some of them are in laws of 1867 in laws (in London of the British Constitutional tradition, in London of the British Constitutional tradition. In fact Full sovereignty with Westmine’s Ventemenster

As the executive power race of Washington may affect the geopolexx of the banquet, and the death of the Constitution, the challenge of the constitutional rule is the challenge of the constitutional rule.

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Any Constitutional Stema is simultaneously enabling the executive activity at once. Checks between the US Constitution (Congress), Executive (President), Executive (President), Executive (President), Judicial (Courts), the first minister chases the first minister to enjoy the self-confidence.

That is the legal constitution. There is also a constitutional moral in the Westminster tradition. For example, the Commons selected by the Production of the Lord’s designated housing. It will follow a constitutional, the democratic crisis quickly, not a legal requirement, but with a proper control, without proper control, without proper control of its powers. If a choice this year winning the conservative this year, the moral of the control is immediately needed in a Senate of the Troodo Appointments.

The part of the Constitutional moral walking in London lasts in Ottawa: The Prime Minister’s Sovereign weekly audience for the Prime Minister. In the rights of Monarc’s rights, the Victorian journalist Walter Baghot “is grown to warn and warn and warn.

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No legally needed weekly audience is required, but the constitutional morals. All British PEYS are kept. When the King Charles first received cancer, weekly audience continued in the phone. David Cameron talked about it “was one of the most important hours of the week.

The audience is strictly private without helpers. No notes take. No minutes are not kept. Both people know what to say, both of them are kept as the secretial symbol. Harold Wilson said his only meeting was the only meeting that the details were never leaked.

This is an excessive form of a large government – reminds the excessive power of a majority government – a person who intended to contain the heritage and endurance should answer someone. For someone who stands for a common good beyond the political calculation. The best of it is the best minister of the first minister to check the first minister’s conscience, and perhaps similar to that way.

No audiences to the audience – it is not a press conference, but is not a public discussion. One can imagine, in the privacy of the audience, prime minister to the prime minister of the audience, will be questioned and answered.

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System easy with a hereditary. The Prime Minister answers sovereign power over biased politics. As the King of the Prime Minister, it is more difficult as the Governor of the Governor of the Governor. Similarly, the king can recommend the Prime Minister to dismiss the Governor General. Thus the dynamic bakingham in the ridge hall will be different than to the palace. The sovereign knows that a British Prime Minister knows and will overcome him. A Canadian Prime Minister is responsible for the support of the success of the existing.

However, weekly appointment with the crown of Canada is good for the Prime Minister. This can cause the government’s assignment to the Governor’s General’s assignment. Stephen Harper formed an implementary advice committee to make recommendations in Vice Regal appointment, which was the most enjoyable governor of Kerala David Johnston. Troudo retrieved training and leaded to the destructive appointment of Juli Pail.

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If the Prime Minister Governor General may cause the recruitment of the appointment of the Kanadian governors, Vincent Massy, ​​Rolund Micanner, Jules Logger, Jules Logger.

A prime spends most of the most time in the atmosphere designed to manifest the love of those around. Cokes discipline, Cabinet is playing their role in all the Cabinet and civil servants, but will increase the importance. The weekly prostrum to the crown will be Saluri. It is a mental, spiritual and restraint on the temptation to think that complete power is in possession.

Careni’s recent predecessors, who served as a Governor of the Bank of England, is more aware of the constitutional moral morals in London. He will be better to restore some of them in Ottawa.

National Post

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