Canada | Mark Carni became prime minister and hires his team

(Ottawa) Justin Trudo or the General Governor of the General Governor of Friday. His successor, carni will be on the 24th of 24These Canada’s prime minister. His “war cabinet” will have two ministers, including some new faces.

Queebecers – Philip Shampayn, Steven Bendine, Elizabel Brehir arrived on Friday Redu Hall on Friday. Many ministers sitting in the cabinet have retained Mark Karanya’s team.

Shampain ministers, Dominic Leflank, Melani Joli and David McGundi are the Hindus for the relationship between Canada and the US.

When Minister Bendain and Bendain and Brehayan are secure, former Finance Minister, Ekmus Minister and the Education resigns on the minister’s resignation. Traffics to get key responsibilities for transport, but the second is smiling on Friday.

In the new faces, the Cody Bluues and Cody Blues, Cody Bluues, Cody Bluues, Carbon Taxes Carbon Tax.

Will follow other details.

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