Camilian-Houtone skipped | Press

A few days ago I jumped at the time of my old volk.

I crossed the park westward from east to the west, and I was over the park, the pines, and the keyyin-des-naigz keymbreans path.

My goal is to turn this way from more than one dozen minutes, it does not take it from a dozen. I wanted to imitate the travelers’ journey to the mountain from 2027 to the mountain.

Because this is confirmed: The camelian-hoD will pay the root of any motor transport. The cars have no more space, or even STM buses. Only for pedestrians a bicycle lane and another.

Montreal City started a call to realize the tenders realize tenders realize tenders realize. Five companies replied to the call. A consortium is selected. It becomes real and imminent.

Result: Like disabled people, elders with small children, elders with small children, their habits will be reviewed to go up.

In many cases, forget the idea of ​​visiting the “Eastern” part of the mountain, including the Camilian-Houder bellyder.

There I saw myrighty pear and father and Mike at Medi Midi. With a few tourists, they praised the Open Sight Olympic Stadium.

Montreal-North Doo received a air to take an air (car) and took a air and took a air and treated hospital.

Photo Hugo-Sebastian Auxer, Press

Mont-Royal Park Camilihian-Huddi and Downtown Montreal

The lack of camamilion-had de is believed to create a “a division between the city and west of the city.” But for them, this change will be impossible in one part of the mountain. “I have a sick child, I can’t go on foot.» »

Simple as it is as simple.

For thousands of vehicles taking the root every day every day, then the reminder path and roads to the roods. In 85% cases, the city is a shortcut to cross the city from the east, or vice versa.

This “transit circulation” is a problem for decades. Is consens of: the Characters Take a lot of place in the green of the Mont Rowbal. The mountain is not a highway.

A large public consultation under Mayor Jean Dor, in 1992, “to reduce rapid transport or promote access to public transportation or cycle.

Some things have changed since it. OUTIMCL of the death of Yuva Cyclist Clomer’s death

This drama worked as an electrosh. The newly chosen Valery Plan has begun a pilot project to prevent the center of the mountain in 2018.

Photo Bernard Bactter, La Press Archives

Added a “bicycle-bog” that is caught by the young clement out set of the Camilihian-Hoody’s Vakk.

Motors can always go up to go up or picnic the lac dez Bivers, or do the contantonc belvestere. But they were turned around them to return the same path.

The big controversy at the time …

The Montreal Public Consultation Office (OCPM) was designed for more than 13,000 citizens and organizations. “Sharped in its conclusions:” The project failed to be indicted and strange communicating goals, and then the project failed due to a large congestion in the city.

But OCPM conducted many recommendations like its order.

The first one? Take care of the whole transport in the “Camilian-House / Reminder axis.» »

The latter? “Pleasure” Template, resume this path in “Ananda Path”.

The plant administration repeated the conclusions of the OCPM.

They announced the projects during the summer 2023 summer. Now remember the only access to cars and buses, on the west side.

The city provides more information on the reconstruction scheme for the test of the city published in November, which is encrypted in $ 91 million. The conversion of Camilician-House will represent a part. Upgrading of trees, the renovation of underground infrastructure, remove the parking spaces above.

Picture taken from the Tender Document in Montreal City

The Mont of Montreal city is different stages of recalcing of the Mont-Royal Park. Step 2, in the blue, the camerilian-hoD rot is represented and it will close traffic.

In this 53 page a text was ticked.

The city is written: “This consultation is ended to the recommendation of the recommendation of the OCPM, Park Du Mont-Royal-Royal and Royal.» »

It is wrong. She ignores the first two recommendations made by their own advisor body …

The fact remains expecting to leave a large heritage with its project to its project. She wants to make the boost the Bioshriviorihood, and she wants to secure the weakest movements on the mountain.

It is difficult to oppose these goals.

But many points were not answered.

First: Why did not make Motrians presented with other situations that envision the Camilician-House?

Crima + Study Gazette In December 2023, The sporious options such as the TRACK’s spinction or in a direction explained the various options such as transition in a direction. Need to apply daily for access to the daily to get hands in document1.

Also: Does the bill for the project rushes $ 15 million? Since 1928, the city continues for this amount to the Mond-Royal Cemetery since 1928. Disputes is still not resolved. This will cost the taxpayers.

Another question: How does the public transport service offered to the east will look like to go to mountains? (The city says small electric shuts will be able to pass through the pedestrian path of Camilian-House’s foot, but it is not one of the current projects.)

Sumesture: Remarking Path, which is the only point with exit and exit, it will be seasonally rushed, and it will be waiting in the transport light, and it will be awaited by the transportation

The Thistan Administration says that all stones were returned to what to do with the Camilian-Houtn.

In terms of the technical limitations of layout, the majority of the ultimate compromise is “ultimate compromise”.

She can do a lot to convince thousands of montroiders who left this, and by sacrificing this great reversal.

1. Read an article Gazette (In English)

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