More cashfareness Will Economic growth is required to support economic growth The Ralif G Ralif G Relif G Ralif G Relif G. The Central Bank will reduce the next month.
“The equivalent of the equivalent of the interest rates are controlled, because inflation in the Philippines has a rates,” said Bloomberg in a television interview on a workers (in the meeting).
“We’re a high possibility that we can cut a rate For our next meeting “he Added.
On April 10, the financial board was set to make the next rate fixed meeting.
The central bank passing cycle was suspended last month.
After reducing the rate for three meetings last year, the rate of a total of 75 basis points (BPS) will be reduced.
Mr. Retio said that 75 BPS value is between 75 BPS value this year.
For years, the year of year, per year and consumption and investment in 75 BPS (cutting) will lead in the year of year.
Reducing loan cost will increase the growth of 0.5% growth Domestic production (GDP), he said.
“If we can reduce it in the next two years. Now, in the last decade, the rates increased by 6.4%, the rate was up to 6.4% Up to 3.4% to 3.9%. (Our) policy rate It is 5.75%, “said the finance chief.
Ratro said to reduce more rates with support deposits and then to go higher or higher.
This year, the rectaro said that the Philippines can meet its growth goals.
“We are confident that we will hit at least 6% growth. World Bank, IMF (International Currency Fund) and many other institutions we are on track,”
“Now we have some more places in choices, so we are confident that we hit the most at 6% this year,” the rectar has been added.
The government has targeted 6-8% growth in this year to 2028.
The Philippines declined by 5.2 per cent in the fourth quarter. This was less low in the entire year target of the government’s revised up-6.5%.
Despite the headway to the Headwind in Slowing global growth, the Philippine economy is mostly driven by consumption.
“Our BPO industry is growing up. Our foreign film is growing. We hope these headwords will not affect this hedvins. He said.
Former President Rodrigo’s recent arrest R. The Pedther Investor’s feeling is unlikely to decrease.
After arresting, asked for political disturbance, Mr. Retio replied: “We don’t see it happen.”
“It has nothing to do with our macro-economic basics. To start, there was a slight loss in the stock exchange, but the Peso was arrested, but he said.
“It is part of the administration that the international community is how important it is for us.”
Sri Darvurtton, who led the Philippines from 2016 to 2022, was arrested by the warrant in the human court for crime.
Financial policy
Meanwhile, the finance chief said the government is tracking the fiscal consolidation attempts.
“We’re on the path. We overcome our revenue goals. In the last 27 years, we had the most revenue-to-GDP ratio. That is very good.”
The latest data from the Treasury (NG) has recorded a P68.4 billion budget on January.
By the end of 2024, as the role of GDP, the deficit is low in 6.7 per cent. The GDP ratio is looking at the GDP ratio this year by 5.3 per cent and 2028 by 2028.
The Finance Department will continue to privatize idle state assets such as the VIRA Botakan-Collan hydran hydrobuayan hydroelectric power plant.
“We open to retail investors because there are many government assets because it will never take care of it.”
“Even small possessions purchased on private wealth can create more value for the economy.”
These privatization attempts expect to produce the P100 billion billion income. – Louisa Maria Jayasinthi c. Joshone