‘Bring a ticket in the name of society and forget the community after winning Banasanthaantha MP Jeezen Tharekar’s statement in Koly Tharokharkar

Kohli Maha Simpurbed by Winchar The issue of conflict between the crowd and the police in the Rajkot district is currently discussed. Koli community and Thakur Army reached the region. All Thakur, Koli Ekti Mission organized a convention in Bindia (March 9 2025). Before this convention, all the organizations of the Churches, the president of the congregations, have called social leaders in Gandhinagar. The convention in the colony society at the time there is two parts. In the treatment of the Colli-Thakor Society organized a convention of the Colli-Thakore Society. Despite the invitation, the colony community was no longer. Congress MP Ganibe was attended by Takor. The convention addressed by the Colli community and the State Government and the leaders of the state government and leaders.

‘Why did the chose leaders forget society for the name of society?’

Gankaben invaded the Koli Community leader and BJP leader Kunnazh Bawalia. Gunnyben was not given the Kuntage Bawalia, ‘Organizers invited all people. Why did the elected leaders forget the community for society? I urge leaders of our society that brings a ticket in the name of society. If you want a ticket in the name of society, you provide the stats of voters in society. But why do you forget the community since elections? I have no power but the community is important. If you wronged the society, you should get the chair. If the leaders would have been present when he had to pay justice, the community could have received the power of society. If he had been, it was good. ‘

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The leaders of the Koli community should say where it is a class where there is a class.

Falsely complained to the youths of the colony society ‘

Ganebe Takor said, “We do not want the cases withdrawing in many communities.” But the young people of the colony society tried to hurt the wrong complaint. Today, leaders in the Colli-Chaolcher community organized a convention, so the police get justice from the police. Leaders get warm. The land seizure is a case. I hope the government will receive justice according to the needs of their family. I will role as an opposition.

During the Home Minister’s reign, crime crime

“I would like to say the state domestically that the daughters of the five-year-old daughters are raped today,” Genhvankerker said. The victim’s families impose to complain in the police station. If such rape is charged with crime, they would have commended them, but the current Home Minister was never increased in the past. ‘

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