Dr. The head of the Ramin Delgo Lillo Lillo. Ramin Delgardo Lillo, Highlights Kidney diseases Steps to control the balanced diet can prevent them, manage blood pressure, sufficient hydration Reduce tobacco and alcohol.
“Renal damage is usually advanced, when the symptoms appear, the symptoms appear to grow,” During the world of world kidney days. Delgoed Lillo.
Because of these pathologists force the Madrid Society of Mefflology (Somen), the Spanish Society of Mefflology (Somen) Renal failure or dialysis or transfer required.
In that sense Dr. Delgo Lillow gives it emphasis Determine a kidney “very simple”Factor between Creatinin and Creatinin ‘and Creatinin of Creator of Critin. “If there is a renal pathology that leads us to renal studies, we can find ourselves through this simple analysis,” he adds.
That is why it indicates the importance of conducting more investments to treatments with roots, so the influence of such pathologos in patients.
Affects itRenal health for everyone“It is a global goal, so they invited the population regularly to find out the risk of risk of risky or diabetes, and they were invited to make the risk of risk factors.