Bilawar and Asif Surari are the anniversary of Sulfur Ali Bhutto: Leader PPP


Pakistani People Secretary General Waqar Medtay said the party chairman Bilawal Blawa, President Asif Ali Zardari and Sulfur Ali Bhutti.

The PPP Karachi Division was chaired by the Minister of Province of Provincial Minister Saeed Ghani. Other leaders participated.

Pricily Ghani said the founder of the founder Salker Ali Bhutto is celebrated on April 4.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Sardari, Co-Haker, President Asif Ali Sardari, the other high-leadership of the party will address the annual event. Gary will go to Kudah April 2 to 3.

Chairwal Bilawal Bhutto Sardari, Co-Head Asif Ali Zardari spoke to the event of Shaheed Sulfuri this year.

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